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The conference committee is planning for the 2022 conference to take place in person. We will keep you informed of any changes or updates as these occur. All conference decisions are made with the wellbeing of all attendees as the main consideration.


The Conference organising committee are working closely with the venue (Te Papa) to implement a COVID-safe event plan, to protect the health and safety of attendees, staff, sponsors and our communities.


We encourage all delegates to read the NZ COVID19 traffic light guidance to help keep us all safe.

COVID-safe event practices include:

  • Mask wearing

  • Hand-hygiene

  • COVID-safe food service

  • Enhanced cleaning and sanitation

  • QR code scanning and contact tracing

  • Use of My Vaccine Pass to enter the venue


Please note some venues may require proof of vaccination on entry. This is not required in most venues now.


We encourage you to check restrictions for your country and local area closer to the conference date to ensure you understand any travel restrictions and/or health directives that may apply.

If the rules for Wellington change so that the in-person conference cannot go ahead, the conference will be cancelled.

We appreciate your patience in these uncertain times and will keep in touch with any new information as it comes to our notice.


Stay safe and be kind.

Ngā mihi nui,

The 2022 conference committee

From April 12, 2022 - Travel with Australia

Please follow the link below to find further information about travel requirements:

Self Testing Requirements

You must complete a pre-departure test and then a RAT test day 0/1 and day 5/6 after arrival in New Zealand. 

Anyone who tests positive will need to self isolate and take a PCR test at a Community Testing Centre or GP for whole genome sequencing in order to quickly identify and respond to new variants coming across the border.

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